- Is the feedback important?
- What do I want to accomplish with the feedback?
- Who are the persons I will be giving the feedback to?
- How will they take my feedback? How can I make my feedback more appetizing for them?
- How have they taken feedback in the past?
Meal Make sure you are giving the feedback when it is needed. Giving feedback too long after there is need will dilute the "hunger" for the feedback. Giving feedback too early when there is no "hunger" for the feedback will allow your meal, your feedback, to go to waste and not have the impact on behavior that you need. 3. Quality Ingredients Are the Start of a Great Meal Be consistent every time you give feedback so that the person receiving the feedback will know what to expect. Be fair in your feedback. Also focus your feedback on actions observed, not the person. Or, as I say, "point to point, not person to person." Use "I" statements. Be direct in your feedback. Just like you wouldn't want to wait forever to get to the main course, you wouldn't want to wait forever for someone to tell you why they are giving you feedback. Set positive expectations so they want to eat. Instead of saying the following: "Mike, come by my office today at 3 p.m. so that I can give you some "constructive criticism." Mike is thinking he had rather be having a root canal. Say the following: "Mike, come by office at 3 p.m. today. I have some ideas on how to make your job easier (or some other benefit) and would value your feedback." Remember, in order for the receiver of the feedback to be hungry for the information, apply the "What's In It For Me" (WIIFM) technique. Ask yourself, "What is the benefit to the receiver of my feedback?" Master Our Utensils. Master our utensils, the words we use, when serving the meal. For example, if you noticed someone unfocused in their conversation, you might say the following: "Sue, slow down! You are rambling too much." Instead say the following: "Sue, you sure have a lot on your mind. Let's concentrate on top the three points you want to discuss." Use positive words to create a great meal. 4. Ask for Feedback on the Meal Encourage the other person to give you feedback on your feedback. This may clear up any misunderstandings. Also, it shows that you value the other person's opinion. 5. End the Meal on a Positive Note Appreciate their time, their manners, and overall demeanor to the feedback. Let them know that you appreciate the efforts they are making. Also tell them that you expect that there will be a positive outcome from the feedback session. Also, let them know that you are there to help them succeed. Apply these techniques at work, home or in the community to ensure that your feedback is more appetizing to others. Bon appétit!